Kohma H. Arai
I am a Postdoctoral Research Scholar working in the lab of Drs. Rachel Johnson and Carson Jeffres at the Center for Watershed Sciences, interested in studying fish life history diversity and the consequences of those behaviors to the population structure and dynamics. Postdoctoral work involves (1) estimating abundance and population composition of juvenile fall-run Central Valley Chinook salmon by leveraging otolith chemistry, acoustic telemetry, machine learning, and spatial statistics; and (2) studying natal origin and stock mixing of Atlantic bluefin tuna using otolith stable isotope landscapes (“isoscapes”).
- Migration Ecology
- Otolith Microchemistry
- Stable Isotope Ecology
- Fisheries Science and Management
- Supervised Machine Learning
- Geostatistics, Time series Analysis
- Ph.D., 2023, University of Maryland, USA
- M.S., 2017, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- B.S., 2015, Hokkaido University, Japan